What are the Hottest Jobs in Supply Chain and Procurement in 2017? (Infographic)

October 3, 2017

As we’ve written about recently, it’s a hot job market for Supply Chain and Procurement, with strong hiring across a number of industries. As fall begins and the weather gets colder, we thought it would be useful to look back at what our recruitment practice has seen in 2017 so far. We wanted to share some market intelligence with our readers about which specific jobs within the field are most in demand, and which are cooling off compared to a few years ago.

 Check out our new infographic below!

This infographic obviously isn’t exhaustive. The field is complex, once you start accounting for different industries and verticals. But it’s a picture of what we’re seeing in the market as a recruitment company that specializes in these areas, and hopefully it helps give you a useful sense of where this high-activity market is hottest.

If you’d like to chat about what the market’s looking like, either because you’re looking to hire or looking to make a move, don’t hesitate to reach out to Argentus today! 


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