Director Inventory and Warehouse Management: Supply Chain Jobs in Profile #1

February 25, 2013

As professional recruiters, we deal all the time with Job Descriptions and Resumes. These are useful tools, and they always will be. But recruiting has changed, and so has employment.  This is the 21st century here, and let’s be honest: Job Descriptions are dry and full of jargon. Resumes list skills, work history, and education, which are all important but they often can’t quite capture what makes a candidate unique. Maybe this is why so many companies get frustrated with combing through piles of job applications. What they’re looking for is that allusive special something. Cultural fit, ambition, vision, broad goals, potential. These are what really matters these days for finding the perfect candidate, and the same goes for finding the right job. At Argentus, we know how to work the details but we also see the importance of the big picture. So we’ve started our bi-weekly Supply Chain Jobs in Profile Series. Each post will profile a specific job we find particularly interesting. So from now on, twice a week, stay tuned as we go beyond the ‘infodump’ of a routine job description and explain why an opportunity is intriguing, and what it really has to offer.

A Unique Warehouse Management Opportunity:

Let’s start with a really juicy one. We’re looking for a Director Inventory and Warehouse for a large and cash-flush mining company. Warehouse experts take note! This isn’t an ordinary job in Warehouse Management. Going beyond the basic job description, this is really a once-in-a-lifetime “Greenfield” opportunity. Our client’s perfect candidate has the opportunity to design their large warehouse from scratch. That means that they’ll have the responsibility for approving the master data design of the warehouse, as well as the Inventory Strategy. They’ll have input into the design of the physical warehouse, as well as the maintenance systems. They’ll recruit the initial warehouse team, work on the training material, and oversee the set-up of the warehouse. Basically, the whole enchilada.

Okay, sounds like a lot well, it is. But what leader hasn’t dreamed about redesigning the entire system that they manage, from the ground up? Are you getting a better picture of what this opportunity involves?  The right candidate for this position will be involved in every stage of the process of designing and building a new warehouse, from software to racks to personnel. This person will use their presentation skills to coach and mentor a new warehouse team, from the get-go. In short, this is an opportunity to put your thumbprint on an ambitious project, and lead the design, operation, and strategy for a very cash-rich client and industry. You can build something, and in two years you’ll have transitioned from building the warehouse into running the warehouse.

Point blank: This is the type of opportunity that will make your career. And it only comes around once in a lifetime.

Some Jobs are “Jobs”, other Jobs are Career Makers:

This position is located in Saskatchewan, so relocation might be involved. But consider this: if you’re an accomplished Warehouse leader in Toronto or Calgary or Vancouver, let’s say, this might be the opportunity to design a Warehouse from scratch that wouldn’t otherwise be available to you. If you’re a Warehouse expert, you’ve probably thought about the perfect warehouse. You’ve probably dreamed about how you would maximize efficiency, about what type of people you’d want on your team. This is an opportunity to supercharge your career and fly past your Logistics peers who might still be thinking small.

Reach out to Rosanna Palermo at 416-364-9919 to discuss this search mandate in detail or email her at



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