Procurement Directors: Find out how your salary compares in Canada

May 7, 2014

Here’s Argentus’ salary drilldown for this week. On the last installment, we provided salary bands for Supply Chain Directors in Toronto and Calgary. While we haven’t finished with salary info for Supply Chain and plan to offer info at the more junior level as well, we’ve decided this week to tackle salary levels for Procurement at the Director level. In addition to Toronto and Calgary info, we’ve added salary bands for Vancouver. While this isn’t exhaustive across Canada, it should give an overview of what to expect across different regions.

We’re also experimenting this week with a new slideshow format. Click on the play buttons at the bottom of the window to navigate through the slides. And please click the “share” button to share this info with anyone in your network who might be interested!

These salary bands come to us from, an IBM-owned compensation analysis company. 

[slideshare id=34408486&doc=purchasingdirectorsalarybands-140507160013-phpapp02]

As always, we’re pleased to provide this info and market intelligence to our network. Stay tuned for the next installment next week! And let us know in the comments if there are any salary bands you’d like to see.


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