Argentus Career Hack: How to Build a Powerhouse Supply Chain Team

March 19, 2015

superhero dream team

Argentus Career Hack is a new series that shares insider advice for both employers and candidates on how to hack the recruitment system to optimize career track, hiring decisions, job search, talent attraction, organizational culture, and more. This post is the second edition, and we hope you find these tips and tricks of the trade useful in your professional life.

We were recently inspired by Inbound Logistics’ post about what it takes to create a top-notch supply chain team. With insights from Gregg Richard Macaluso, a business professor at the University of Colorado who specializes in supply chain strategy, they outlined the building blocks that make an effective team really shine and stand out. This includes core technical abilities, but also work ethic, attitude, and the importance of socially aware approaches to problem-solving, negotiation, big picture thinking, and business development.

The Key Players

The Passionate One brings real enthusiasm for the work at hand and an ability to change, adapt, or diplomatically push the status quo, fostering creativity and growth.

The Resilient One is patient, resourceful, and strategic, but is also ready to pitch in across functions with a “roll up your sleeves” attitude to get the job done.

The Curious One asks a lot of questions, is collaborative by nature, excels at connecting the dots for business, and sees challenge as opportunity.

The Organized One is a go-to resource for project management, data analysis, process improvement, and keeping others motivated and on-track.

The Gregarious One is a change agent who shines on the front lines, engages people, encourages buy-in for the business, and sets the tone with stakeholders.

The Analytical One understands the full scope of supply chain complexity and can anticipate future integration options, establish goals, and spearhead long-term planning.

Building a Great Team: Half Science, Half Art

One of the best takeaway points here is a reminder that soft skills are, in fact, strong skills. A surefire way to foster innovation almost always comes from being able to balance the right mix of talent, skills, and personalities. Have you recognized the power of situational awareness and people logistics to move your business forward yet?

Workplace environment and organizational culture are also major factors that contribute to supply chain success stories. Healthy teams operate best with a clear mission, effective coaching, and open communication. It’s also smart to keep as much of the decision-making as possible close to your audience, from customers and consumers to top stakeholders and integral partners.

Whether you’re a supply chain executive that is hiring fresh talent, a leader in your field crafting the right pitch for your value added role on a new project, or a senior professional restructuring a department from within, it’s worthwhile to identify what takes a supply chain team from “passable” straight to powerhouse. And when you need a new key player, we’re here to help.

1 Comment

  1. Josephat Ngesah

    Great insight!

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