Infographic: Which Industries Pay the Most and Least in Procurement?

June 2, 2016




As always, we’re doing our best to help you stay on top of salary info in Supply Chain, Procurement, and their related functions. We know our readers love to find out where salaries stand, whether they’re companies looking to hire or professionals trying to see how they stack up to the rest of the field. This time, we want to take a slightly different approach to how we’ve presented salary data in the past, when we’ve broken down salary levels based on gender, seniority, and geography. Now, we’ve put together an infographic that lays out some new salary data based on Industry.  

The Next Level Purchasing Association (NLPA), an American Procurement training organization, recently released its annual Salary Report. The report is based on responses from 1300 Purchasing and Supply Chain Management professionals, and offers a wide range of salary data on a variety of topics, but the industry breakdown stuck out to us as particularly interesting.

Procurement is a vital function across a huge number of industries. And we’ve always known that Procurement professionals in some industries are better-compensated than in others. But the data from this new NLPA report showed some huge variability in terms of how well different industries pay their employees.

Ready to see how you or your organization stacks up? Check out the infographic below!

Salary Breakdown By Industry - smaller for blog

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Please keep in mind that this is just a snapshot. As always, it’s worth checking out the full report. It includes other industries, as well as tons of other relevant salary data.

A few other things to keep in mind: first is that this data is in U.S. Dollars, and includes responses from worldwide. We’ll always present Canadian salary data as it comes across our desks, but worldwide surveys are more common, and can give Canadian professionals a relevant picture especially when they compare data across industries, as this one does.

Second, these are averages. They’re also based on external factors. Internal factors – skills, education, experience, etc. – are perhaps more important. This means that these numbers capture the whole spectrum of Procurement professionals, so if some of these seem low, it might be that high numbers of more “transactional” workers are skewing the averages downward. The more strategic Procurement professionals driving supplier collaboration and wider business strategy are very well-compensated across a variety of industries. logo_icon 

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