Revamp Talent Management & Avoid Hiring Headaches: Leave Recruitment to the Pros

October 30, 2014

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The rules may be changing, but smart talent attraction is more important than ever. Having an effective recruitment strategy can take many forms, but talent management in the right hands makes a big difference. Here’s a great quote:

“Everyone thinks that recruiting is easy, and that choosing to do it themselves can’t be that much harder than simply placing a call to a skilled professional – an assumption that almost always goes awry. One thing I constantly remind myself, not to mention my co-workers and clients, is that just because posting jobs and finding candidates isn’t particularly complicated doesn’t mean that actually attracting and hiring the best ones is easy. In fact, far from it.”

This quote comes from this recent article from Recruiting Daily by Evan Donaldson, which includes a compelling story with a useful parable about the problems that come from conflating recruitment DIY efforts and expertise. Donaldson goes on to identify five key takeaway points to save your business time and money, and yourself some peace of mind.

1. Evaluate opportunity costs before you make important hiring decisions.
2. Know what you’re really good at and what’s better left to recruitment professionals.
3. Just because you can do something well once doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be able to replicate that success again in the future. Business changes; your strategy should, too.
4. Weigh recruitment choices against deadlines. Experts will work swiftly and deliver quality results.
5. “I can do this” is not the same as “I should do this.” Learn the difference and reap the talent management rewards.

Rethinking recruitment process can create big leaps forward with positive hiring outcomes. Dap Tapscott sees the potential for this as well, particularly when it comes to staying ahead of the curve with talent management best practices. In his latest thought leadership piece on LinkedIn, Tapscott explores the best ways to think about revamping your recruitment strategy before a new hire and how to best manage those employees later once they’ve been integrated into your company:

“The current model of talent management is to recruit, train, manage, retain and evaluate the performance of employees. In the future, smart companies won’t do any of this. Work will look more like a jazz ensemble where hierarchy is replaced by creativity, sense-and-respond, peer-to-peer, collaboration, empowerment and improvisation.”

In other words, we all need to focus more on building strong relationships to engage the best talent and consider new ways to improve performance in real-time. For many busy companies and niche industries like supply chain, that means connecting with a specialized recruitment agency to take advantage of their game-changing expertise.

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