NEWS FROM THE FRONT – What’s up with us?

October 19, 2012


‘Finding Companies Extraordinarily Good Talent’ has been our call to action this Fall.

*A lot of the reason for our success in tapping into such extraordinary people is the strength of our Referral Program. We have always worked tirelessly to sell the message about our Referral bonus plan to our network – it’s a generous one. Many in our network have and continue to benefit from the program. We want to keep the message strong that referrals are really important to us and we treat them with ‘kid gloves’. Here’s an interesting statistic; 30%+ of hires come from referrals and well over 20% of Argentus’ active candidates come to us through referrals and we really value that because for us that is special untapped talent. We certainly encourage referrals because they are so very important and we work hard to stay consistent in telling everyone that there continues to be a skill shortage for Procurement and Supply Chain. So whoever you know send them our way.

*We have done a lot of talking about COMPENSATION these last few weeks – it’s a hot issue. It’s important to know if your organisation is being competitive in attracting and retaining the top talent in the SCM space. Because we know multiple companies, large and small, in many industries and business sectors and how they compare to one another, we have the immediate business intelligence to help clients through the hiring process. We help engaged employers in a consultative way which makes us different from other third party recruiters. To this end, Argentus’ is releasing the first part of its Salary Comparison for 2012 in Public Sector. Interested in getting more premium information and industry insight as it pertains to recruiting within Supply Chain Management? Also, the second part of the Salary Comparison for Private Sector – let me know at to subscribe.

*A nimble Contingent Workforce in Procurement, Supply Chain and Change Management is certainly gaining in great popularity meeting increased project and implementation needs. In the last number of months customer need has skewed toward Contingent/Contract requirements (now a 50/50 split between permanent and contract roles) to combat worries that the economy is still volatile. Several mature Strategic Sourcing operations are choosing to hire a larger portion of their Strategic Sourcing talent for intermediate and higher level personnel as Contingent staffers for their special project work to help stick handle through uncertain business cycles. It controls costs well. Perhaps it’s time to reTHINK how you hire – Argentus’ Contingent Staffing Solutions @work – the NEW permanent workforce.

Manufacturing, Wholesale and Distribution are sizzling for Supply Chain Management. Electrical, Communications, Industrial Suppliers are really on the hunt for strong talent. Sam Manna our SCM recruitment expert would be happy to answer any enquiries at

Be sure to catch our expert SCM recruiter extraordinaire, Adele Casciaro ( – read it on Linkedin – where she talks candidly about where senior candidates go wrong with their resumes. She tells it like it is – A resume is a quantifiable fact sheet about who you are and what you have done. Especially true for a professional in supply chain and procurement because one is constantly measured based on one’s ROI. Companies today are hiring individuals who have demonstrated achievements of cost savings, continuous improvements to put back on their bottom lines…Is your resume up to snuff? Adele points the way to give your resume a kick!!!!

And a reminder that we have a great new website which is full of terrific information for both companies and individuals looking for new career roles. Check us out at and remember to subscribe there for premium industry recruiting information. I think you will particularly like my blog which covers some very hot employment related topics such as how to brand yourself better and how to be the most effective on LinkedIn

So let’s stay in touch. Argentus now has a mobile App for iPhone & Androids so we encourage you to stay in contact with us on the run. We are also on Twitter (@employcanada), Facebook and LinkedIn for up to the minute updates .

If you are interested in getting some good coverage for yourself as an SCM professional or would like to discuss a topic related to Supply Chain Management and Recruitment, I welcome guest bloggers. I am always interested in connecting with those I have synergies with in the Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management community. Please connect with me on Linkedin.

Over and Out




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