Better Business: Why it’s Time to Start Giving Feedback to the Candidates You Reject
Have you ever applied for a job, and in return received... well, radio silence? You’re ready to make a career move, perhaps you’ve been working with a specialty executive recruiter like us, and things feel good, like they’re on track. You put a lot of hard work into...
How to Spot a Good Boss Before You Start a Job
We were thrilled by the overwhelming response to our post, “How to Spot a Bad Boss Before You Start a Job.” It’s always exciting to see such an outpouring of comments and shares, and it just speaks to how potent a toxin a bad boss can be on your career. But let’s take...
Argentus Search Stories: Directors of Supply Chain
As a highly specialized recruiter within Supply Chain, we love to provide case studies of some of our most satisfying searches at the Director level and above, those times when we’ve reached deep into our network to provide organizations with the most strategic Supply...
Keeping LinkedIn Professional: A Guide for Millennials
Last week, one of our top recruiters had a conversation with a new Argentus contractor, a young professional in his late 20s who is now working in a Procurement/Buyer role. They started chatting about LinkedIn, and Rosanna remarked that she was pleased to see how much...
Why Social Media is Becoming Supply Chain’s Secret Weapon
At Argentus, we’ve been using social media and digital strategy in recruitment for years. As an executive search firm that specializes in supply chain management, we embrace the imperative to engage with our network on Twitter and LinkedIn during the recruitment...
Candidates: Don’t Turn Yourself Into Spam!
Here’s a practical tip from recruiters, both within companies and in agencies: when applying for jobs, don’t apply for more than one job at a time. Once in a while, we’ll hear from a very eager candidate who decides to submit online applications for a variety of our...
A Top Strategic Sourcing Expert Speaks About IT Procurement and Business Transformation
This post is part of an ongoing series providing thought leadership from some of the most accomplished, strategic individuals in Argentus' candidate network. Argentus spoke with Radu Paraschiv, a high-end change management expert who works with the Chief Information...
Dealing With a Job Loss? Read this Supply Chain Director’s Advice
In our recruitment practice, we often help candidates who're undergoing a career transition because of a restructuring or downsizing. Today we bring you some information about how to deal with the immediate aftermath of a restructuring from a candidate's perspective:...
How to Spot a Bad Boss Before You Start a New Job
If you’ve been in the workforce long enough, you know the feeling of having a bad boss. You stay up late, refusing to surrender to sleep because it means going to work the next day. You wake up dreading going to work, hitting the snooze button multiple times before...
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