7 Inspirational Supply Chain Quotes From the Experts
For the past several months, one of the most exciting regular features we’ve provided on the Argentus blog is our Supply Chain Executive Interview series. We’ve interviewed executives and thought leaders from all corners of the discipline in Canada about issues of...
3D Printing Changes the Supply Chain
Written by Joe Cannata. This post first appeared on the Kinaxis industry blog, The 21st Century Supply Chain. I recently took a trip to my local big box electronics store, and saw a 3D printer on display. I asked what they were printing, and the response was “plastic...
Here’s How Organizations Can Improve Their Procurement Outcomes Through Training and Skills Development
This week, we interviewed Maureen Sullivan, LLB, CTP. Maureen is a past practising lawyer and current procurement and contract management education professional. She is President and Legal Editor with NECI, an organization based in British Columbia offering...
An Unconventional Solution to the Supply Chain Talent Deficit
Anyone who closely follows the Supply Chain field knows that an emerging issue among the field’s top leaders is that of the Supply Chain talent deficit. We’ve covered it extensively here on the Argentus blog. We’ve spoken about it with senior executives and some of...
All Across Business, Chief Supply Chain Officers are on the Rise
Following on the success of our recent post about the Rise of the Supply Chain C.E.O, we wanted to cover the topic of the emergence of Supply Chain into a C-suite function from another angle. That post discussed the trend of companies looking to the Supply Chain...
Companies: Don’t be Afraid to Show the Love When Hiring
Today, we’re going to quickly weigh in on something we’ve recently noticed in the hiring process. It’s a small note, but it speaks to a wider issue about how companies need to do their best to attract candidates and present a compelling case at every stage of the...
Does Your Recruiter Build a Database? Or Relationships?
With the rise of big data in the 21st century, recruitment (like so many industries) has changed. Social media sourcing has allowed recruiters to quickly tap into networks of candidates that would otherwise be more difficult to contact for open roles. And recruitment...
Why Recycling Should Matter to Sourcing Departments
This guest post comes from Kim Teichroeb, a senior Procurement professional with special expertise and interest in the green Supply Chain. She wrote a great recent article for us about how Procurement functions within companies can build sustainable sourcing...
Why Skilled Immigrants are Key to Canada’s Supply Chain Future
Today, we wanted to weigh in on an employment issue that’s been getting some traction recently, one that’s relevant both to our recruitment practice and to the Supply Chain function. And that’s to do with foreign workers in Canada and the need for a nimble, responsive...
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