Infographic: Examining the Demographics of the Supply Chain Industry
Everyone knows the Supply Chain field is changing. Recently, one of the best Supply Chain Publications out of the U.S., Supply Chain 24/7, released a report that examines the demographic trends underlying the industry. The report, titled “A...
Reader Responses: Is There a Supply Chain Talent Deficit?
We spend a lot of time on the Argentus blog covering the so-called talent deficit in Supply Chain and its implications – both for companies looking to hire and young people entering the industry for the first time. The short story is that organizations are...
Issues Plaguing Sobeys Illustrate the Importance of Supply Chain Planning
In the past few months, we’ve written about Supply Chain lessons from Target’s Supply Chain misadventure, as well as other issues companies have had with their Supply Chains impacting the bottom line. Now, it looks like Supply Chain woes are impacting another...
Quick Personal Branding Tip for Procurement: Make Sure to Show Category Experience!
A quick post today to highlight something that Procurement professionals should keep in mind on their resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and pretty much anywhere else they represent their professional experience online: Make sure to mention your category...
Received a Counter Offer from an Employer? Think Closely About Whether to Accept
There’s a Publisher post that’s been making major waves on LinkedIn recently. Written by tech recruiter Jack Bagshaw, It’s on a topic that we’ve weighed in on before, and it’s highly relevant to any professional considering a career move – in other words, our bread...
Here’s Why it’s Worth Taking Another Look at “Overqualified” Candidates
Part of our mission on the Argentus blog is to look closely at the process of hiring and see how companies can make it more efficient and effective – how companies can overcome some of the underlying conventional wisdom that might be holding them back...
It’s 2016. Why are So Many Companies Still Requiring “Canadian Experience?”
We’ve blogged before about the value that skilled immigrants offer to the Supply Chain field in Canada. In short, we face a deficit of Supply Chain talent in this country. The retirement of the baby boomer generation, as well as the increased prominence...
Procurement Category Expertise: Which is the Hardest to Find? (Infographic)
As recruiters who specialize in Procurement, we at Argentus are exposed every day to people working in Procurement’s different categories. It lets us see a variety of skills, approaches and best practices in this field as it rapidly changes and...
A Job is More Than the Sum of its Parts
Think About the Whole Package, Not Just Base Compensation Recruiters create opportunity for people. They create opportunity for companies looking to hire. They create opportunity for passive candidates who might not realize their value until the right job comes along....
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