How to Hire Supply Chain Professionals Who Will Stay
The labor market right now is chaotic, and demand is fluctuating wildly. As a result, there’s more pressure on the supply chain than ever before. Companies are hiring fast to make up for job shortages and handle heightened demand, but many are struggling to hire workers who’ll stick around.
Solving COVID-19 Supply Chain Challenges: Here are the Skills Companies Need
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised a host of Supply Chain issues across a number of industries. Here are the main skills and roles that companies need to address these challenges.
Why Do So Many Companies Still Not Have Chief Supply Chain Officers?
With COVID-19, if your organization doesn’t have a Chief Supply Chain Officer, now is the time to give it another look.
Trends Impacting Intelligent Transportation Systems
With COVID-19, if your organization doesn’t have a Chief Supply Chain Officer, now is the time to give it another look.
Spotlight on Import / Export Professionals – A Crucial Link in the Supply Chain
Customs experts are an often unsung, but important, part of strategic Logistics operations. Here’s the lowdown on what companies should be looking for when hiring import / export professionals, and what the talent picture looks like on the ground.
New Survey Reveals the Immense Supply Chain Challenges Ahead
Supply Chain Canada has begun releasing results of its COVID-19 survey, showing the depth of Supply Chain challenges organizations face in these uncertain times. Here's how to adapt your talent strategy to respond. Over the past several weeks, we've been covering the...
Finding the New Normal in Retail Supply Chains: Gary Newbury Speaks About COVID-19 Responses and Talent
“The big takeaway from this period is that the supply chain is gaining greater understanding and importance.” — Retail Transformation Executive Gary Newbury
How Can Master Data Management Improve Supply Chain Operations?
In an increasingly globalized and complex supply chain, accurate and comprehensive data is almost always necessary for informed decision-making.
The Radically Different Retail Landscape After COVID-19: Our Interview with Executive Gary Newbury
The necessity of responding to COVID-19 pandemic has caused radical shifts in the economy – both for industries whose operations who have been impacted, and for industries who have to radically rethink consumer demand. And perhaps no industry has been more impacted in the immediate term than Retail.
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