Argentus Partners with the SCMA and Globe and Mail to Discuss the Supply Chain Talent Deficit

July 13, 2015


Last week, we pointed you to a recent interview Supply Chain educator Dustin Mattison held with Argentus President and Senior Partner Bronwen Hann. Bronwen offered some of the insight’s she’s gained in her more than 10 years recruiting for Supply Chain, as well as her assessment of the overall state of the Supply Chain talent market.

Today, we’re pleased to share with you another result of our efforts to get our message out there about the importance of finding a solution to the impending Supply Chain talent deficit.

The Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA) recently partnered with the Globe and Mail to produce a special feature for inclusion in the Globe about Supply Chain – including articles about Supply Chain’s growing importance, its strategic potential, and current issues in the field. After the feature was included in the print edition of the paper, they have also put up a website providing ongoing Supply Chain-related content to a wide audience of business professionals, decision-makers and job seekers who haven’t necessarily heard about the discipline.  There’s lots of great Supply Chain-related content there worth checking out.

We at Argentus asked to provide our input for a special article in this section about the possibility of a Supply Chain talent deficit in the coming years, and ideas for how to potentially solve it.

The article, titled: “The Talent Deficit in Supply Chain and Some Solutions,” touched on:

  • How companies can work to build talent pipelines to bring in great Supply Chain professionals at the junior end. 
  • The crucial combination of technical acumen, analytical ability and “soft skills” (written and verbal communication as well as presentation ability) that the next generation of Supply Chain Professionals need to succeed.   
  • The changing perception of the field.   

Click here to read the article! and be sure to share it with anyone in your network who’s interested in the future of Supply Chain as a discipline.  


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