Argentus committed to Charities:

October 24, 2013

We believe it’s important to give back and to be an active participant in the community. For that reason, Argentus is pleased to be engaged in a number of sponsorship and charity activities moving into the holiday season. Here’s an overview of activities we’re pleased to support:

East York Bulldogs Minor Hockey Sponsorship:


We’re a Canadian company, and Canadians love hockey. So our support of the East York Bulldogs minor team is pretty self-explanatory. The best way to ensure Canada remains the best Hockey country in the world is to ensure that there’s lots of support and infrastructure for young people who are just getting into the game. Beyond that, sponsorship of young people’s athletic activities is also just good for the community in general. It encourages an active and healthy lifestyle, and promotes teamwork and togetherness.
Hockey is becoming an ever-more expensive endeavour for young kids looking to get into the game. Equipment is getting more expensive, as are rink costs and registration costs. With hockey season beginning and holiday season coming up, we hope our sponsorship of the East York Bulldogs (our second year) will help offset some of these costs. And if a qualified candidate catches our logo on a Jersey and decides to contact us in the process, that doesn’t hurt, does it?

Girls Incorporated of Durham, ON:

Some of Argentus’ most integral and successful members are strong women. That’s why we’ve decided to sponsor Girls Incorporated of Durham an organization that provides mentorship and encourages girls to be empowered in every aspect of their lives. Originally an offshoot of a Big Sister program, Girls Incorporated has evolved to include counseling services for pregnant teens and young mothers, as well as workshops on topics such as street-proofing, media literacy, leadership, . They also run yearly leadership retreats. More recently, Girls Incorporated of Durham has become involved in programs to encourage young women to achieve their maximum potential by getting them involved early in a number of professional fields including STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
We’re pleased to be supporting the development of young women. Our participation in this organization also strikes close to what our company is about. Supply Chain and related fields are rapidly growing, and one of the only ways to fill that talent gap is to encourage the active involvement of women. We want to see more young women becoming poised to take advantage of tomorrow’s careers.

This year, Argentus is specifically sponsoring the Re-THINC Girls Conference for Girls and Women. This year’s conference, held November 3rd, will feature keynote speakers from some great social media, media and technology companies.


Our Other Special Charities Supported: Animal Rescue Mission of Canada, Humane Society

Argentus is also always so proud to support the Animal Rescue Mission of Canada and the Humane Society through our Christmas donations. Why? Because it’s so important to look after animals in need. Please take a moment to help us do that. We encourage you to bring an animal without a home into your life. Your will never get more love than you will from an animal.

We certainly couldn’t make these contributions without the support of our clients and candidates – so Thank you from the bottom of all our hearts



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