Argentus Career Hack: Get a Quick Resume Boost with Job Scan

March 12, 2015


We’re launching a new series this month to share insider advice for both employers and candidates on how to hack the recruitment system to optimize career track, hiring decisions, job search, talent attraction, organizational culture, and more. This post is the first edition, and we hope you find these tips and tricks of the trade useful in your professional life.

Analyze How Much Your Resume Matches a Job

Job Scan is a new career web tool that will make you delighted to live in 2015. It gives you a better chance at beating the “black hole” problem—a frequent complaint from candidates. So whether you’re applying for opportunities directly with a company or through a specialty recruitment firm that uses applicant tracking systems to handle the initial screening process, Job Scan can help you navigate the maze.

Although applicant tracking systems (ATS) are useful internally for managing a large applicant pool, they can be a barrier externally to candidates who, for example, may not include the right amount of specific key words in their CV to make it to the next round with ATS – despite being qualified and competitive for a role.

job scan screenshot

Increase Your Odds of Landing an Interview

That’s where Job Scan comes into the picture. It takes candidates back to square one, allowing them to research, compare, and contrast their resume side by side with job descriptions, then evaluate what kind of an overlap exists for skills, experience, education, metrics, responsibilities, etc. From there, adjustments can be made to tweak language and more effectively communicate one’s candidacy with the right keywords.

The end result? A tailored resume that’s more visible for and searchable by recruiters as well as employers, getting you one step closer to that dream role, new career horizon, fresh start, or move up the corporate ladder. Try it out for yourself and let us know what you think in the comments!


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