3 Tips to Make Your Supply Chain Resume Shine

April 16, 2012

I wanted to share something with our Global Supply Chain Management network which I read last year and wanted to pass through my network again. Thank you to Richard C. Wilson of Supply Chain Management Training.com who originally wrote about this in his blog.

Today’s job market is very competitive. If you are looking for a new job or trying to get your foot in the door in Supply Chain Management, you will want to do everything you can to make yourself stand out from other candidates. One of the best ways to stand out is to make certain your resume will get noticed by being different and more relevent.

Though everyone has their own opinion on how a resume should be written, there are some basic tips you can use to make sure your resume gets noticed.

One of the most important things you can do with your resume is to keep it up-to-date.  Remembering to keep your resume updated with continuing education, volunteer work and experience can ensure you have a resume ready whenever you need it – because let’s face it with the speed with which life moves, the perfect role could come up and slap you across the face today and you want to always be ready with your toolbox of “stuff” – resume, profile overview,  accomplishment page, prepared references if needed, sample presentations et al..

Next you will want to make sure that you update your resume style to reflect what companies today want to see. A traditional resume is typically not what a company is looking for.  Plus it is definitely NOT in your best interest to use a chronological resume – boring, been there done that and your resume will end up on the no pile.  You may want to consider a using an interesting accomplishment or functional resume where you highlight experiences and skills and use quantifyable numbers to demonstrate what you can do.

Lastly, utilizing a career summary at the top of your resume can truly make certain that your resume stands out and is easy to read – but a word of caution – drop the blah, blah nothing words to describe yourself – we all know you are an energetic, dynamic multitasker who is a fabulous coach and mentor. Sometimes fewer words are better these days and tell a better story. Recruiters narrowing down the pile of resumes for a Supply Chain Management role may only peruse your resume for important skills, education, and experience to decide whether they want to read it in detail.  Having a career summary can ensure you get the important information at the top of your resume where it counts.

Using these tips can help make your resume up-to-date and easy to read.  Having a great resume can be the difference between getting that next supply chain management job and having to continue your search.

Want to read more of Supply Chain Management Training.com ‘s material – it’s really full of meaty stuff, find them at http://supplychainmanagementtraining.com/

Please remember to take a look at our stream of great jobs in Supply Chain Management www.argentus.com – these are Contract and Permanent situations and we welcome the opportunity to have a confidential chat about the range of Supply Chain Jobs we work with.

Over and Out



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