Fastest Draw in the West…Well in Supply Chain Recruitment anyway….

May 22, 2013


Adele Casciaro is certainly the “fastest draw in the West”.  Here’s our fastest “to hire” permanent recruit in recent memory – and I’m blowing Adele’s horn because she is always right on the money when she works with her clients. Just last week we were asked to step in with an urgent need within a recently restructured manufacturing firm for a Buyer. The total turnaround time from job placement to offer was, (ready for it?) less than 7 days – weekend included!!!.

Adele, one of our experts on our SCM recruitment team said: “I had an extremely engaged client who was motivated to hire, and who was flexible to my expert market intelligence and advise, and who understood that they had to come to an expert who could reach into an existing network of Procurement Professionals” (it’s all about being connected to the right people in the right vertical that makes all the difference).When you do what we do, SCM Recruiting 7*24 and are able to tap into a robust network who are really passive but who are open to the right opportunity, you can work cohesively as a team to hit the ground running immediately from the first day, offering a well qualified slate of candidates to choose from.

So here’s the point worth making – : While a lot of companies MAY THINK that choosing an outside recruiter is a more expensive route to go, when time is money you can get a better result much more quickly if one chooses a firm with real EXPERTISE in a narrow vertical. So for example, in this particular case by choosing a recruitment company who really understands procurement and supply chain and has access to a depth and breadth of connections through a well established network they got the result and that’s worth its weight in gold.

This client understood just how competitive the employment market is  for this particular vertical – demand for talent is high – supply is really, really low so knowing how important it was to keep it really tight was just smart business. With an engaged client and a really seasoned consultant like Adele ( or check her out on LinkedIn) for example, together we were able to put it together in less than a week.

Feeling like you just can’t find the talent you need for the intermediate level Purchasing and Supply Chain roles? Reach out to us – and while you’re at it take a look at this two minute video – you won’t regret making this connection.

Over and out



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