


LinkedIn Profiles are the New Resume, So Make Yours Count

Argentus is exclusively focused on the supply chain management field. It’s a very niche vertical that’s in high demand for employers in all industries across the globe. Companies are constantly on the hunt for top talent to make them more competitive. For example,...

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Supply Chain Study Shows the Gender Pay Gap in the Field

This week, an article in PurchasingB2B (an excellent Canadian procurement publication) from a little while ago caught our eye. It featured some findings from a recent study that examined salary rates for men and women in the supply chain field in Canada. This article...

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Work Like a Contractor, Think Like an Entrepreneur

Over the last decade, we’ve seen a huge rise in the contract workforce – a trend which continues to grow, particularly for the supply chain field. There are key benefits to contingent hiring arrangements which impact both employers and staff, such as lifestyle...

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Supply Chain Executives: How Does Your Salary Stack Up?

Let's talk about money. Specifically, we've done some new salary research and want to share our latest salary band information about higher levels of management in supply chain. In the past, we've posted about salary studies in Canada and the U.S. for Supply Chain...

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