


How Will Self-Driving Trucks Impact the Logistics Field?

Mercedes Benz' prototype of its self-driving Future Truck 2025. From discussing 3D printing to workplace automation, we at Argentus are always trying to stay on top of technological developments that will impact Supply Chain and its related disciplines. Because Supply...

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Modern Slavery in Today’s Supply Chains

Written by Alexa Cheater. This post originally appeared on the Kinaxis industry blog, The 21st-Century Supply Chain.  I used to think slavery was, for the most part, a thing of the past. An abhorrent practice that was abolished for very good reason, and a constant...

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The Rise of the Supply Chain CEO

Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that Supply Chain Management has emerged from its status a back-office function to become a major strategic differentiator for business. Over the past few decades, companies have realized that the way they bring products to...

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6 Ways to Show off Your Company Culture to Applicants

Gone are the days when companies looking to hire held all the cards. In today’s hiring market, great talent is in more demand than ever before, and companies need to do all they can to attract the top individuals. This is true even more-so in Argentus’ specialty of...

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