Working With a Recruiter? Beware of Generalists Masking Themselves as Specialists
On the Argentus blog, we have a relentless focus on Supply Chain, but we also like to talk about issues in the recruitment industry from time to time. So forgive us if we indulge in some inside baseball today (how about those Jays, by the way?) about the recruitment...
Procurement Legend Jack Miles on Startups and Why They Should Look at Their Procurement Function for Growth
“Always run your business as if it’s in trouble. Because if you don’t, it will be some day.” – Jack Miles. Welcome to our follow-up interview with Jack Miles, a major force in the Procurement field over the past several decades. Mr. Miles has served as Chief...
Procurement Legend (and CPO to Top Global Companies) Jack Miles speaks about Procurement’s Past and Future
“Procurement Professionals do themselves a disservice by talking about only what they save.” – Jack Miles This interview is a special one. Today we interviewed Jack Miles, a major force in the Procurement field over the past several decades (or as he describes it,...
5 Tips For Building Sustainable Sourcing
This guest post comes from Kim Teichroeb. Kim is a senior Procurement professional with special expertise and interest in sustainable sourcing processes. Reduce, Re-use, and Recycle are no longer buzz-words, they are a part of life for most people. In most...
Holiday Season is Here – but are New Seasonal Products Worth it for Companies?
We wanted to highlight an excellent article in the U.S.-based Procurement magazine Spend Matters. The article brings a Supply Chain / Procurement angle to a discussion of companies launching seasonal products – and whether these new seasonal products represent...
3 Supply Chain Career Requirements for Millennials
Written by Kirsten Watson. This post originally appeared on the Kinaxis industry blog, The 21st-Century Supply Chain. These days it seems you can’t spend ten minutes surfing the internet without seeing an article about millennials. Heck, we’ve even written about the...
Next Time You’re Preparing for a Job Interview, Ask These Two Questions
We wanted to take a moment to share this great article we saw last week and discuss its brilliant distillation of job interviews – on both the company and applicant side – into a simple formula for success. The post appeared on the World Economic Forum’s “Agenda”...
The Invisible Job Market is Real – and Here’s How to Access It
It's fairly well-understood at this point that online job postings aren’t the best way to secure a new job. In our recent post examining how you can take charge and have an active-rather-than-passive approach to your job search, we discussed a few of the big...
Meet the Organization that Connects Young Supply Chain Professionals Across the Globe
A few weeks ago, we wrote about some interesting initiatives to get young people interested in the Supply Chain discipline. In that post, we mentioned SCNext, which is a networking and job training group for young Supply Chain professionals with a unique international...
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