The Supply Chain Talent Deficit is Real – But What About the Experienced People Who Can’t Find Work?
It’s no secret that we write a lot about the Supply Chain talent deficit – the growing industry consensus about a looming shortage of talent needed to fill Supply Chain, Procurement, and Logistics jobs as those roles grow in prominence and the baby...
5 Ways to Advance Your Supply Chain Career
This guest post was written by Kate Lee, director of research and strategy at Fronetics Strategic Advisors. Fronetics is a boutique marketing firm focused on the logistics and supply chain industries. The talent gap represents a professional opportunity for...
5 Questions to Ask Your Recruiter
One of our main goals for the Argentus blog is to spread the word about working with recruiters to make the process easier, smoother and more fruitful for candidates and ourselves alike. The representation of a recruiter can be a tremendously...
Here are the 4 Biggest Misconceptions About Supply Chain
Supply Chain is a field that’s still often under-the-radar with the general public. And when people have heard of the function, it’s common for there to be misunderstandings about what the field actually does. The complex value chain that brings products...
Advice for Early-to-Mid Career Supply Chain Professionals
Written by Dr. Madhav Durba. This guest post originally appeared on the Kinaxis industry blog, The 21st Century Supply Chain. It is a great time to be a supply chain professional. Emerging technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Cognitive computing, and...
How to Get Supply Chain Into the Boardroom
One topic we keep returning to on the Argentus blog is the issue of Supply Chain raising its profile within business. We’ve discussed the emergence of companies hiring Chief Supply Chain Officers, as well as Supply Chain’s ascension into the most high-impact...
Supply Chain Trade Press Says: It’s a Candidate-Driven Job Market Right Now
Supply Chain Management Review, one of the more respected trade publications in the field, recently published a column by guest contributor Naseem Malik about the state of the Supply Chain talent market. The main takeaway? It’s a candidate’s market, and...
Theft of $60,000 Worth of Freezies is a Symptom of a Wider Supply Chain Issue
At Argentus, we love to discuss interesting Supply Chain stories from any angle, and this is an interesting one, to be sure. In the dog days of summer, strange stories have a way of popping up: recently, CBC posted a story about two truckloads of Kisko...
So You’re Not Looking for a Job: You Still Need a Personal Brand!
One of the most common assumptions that people make – and that we find ourselves refuting, day in and day out as recruiters – is the assumption that personal branding and networking is something that people only need to focus on when they’re looking for a job. Our...
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