Badly Handled ‘right timing’ of Interview process loses companies BEST Supply Chain Talent

April 19, 2012

TIME. Yes – Wow – We get that none of us has any time right? Right!! Well as a very seasoned Headhunter in the Retail Supply Chain/Procurement, Talent Acquisition Space I really know of what I speak. I have years of good and bad experience to pull on in working with clients in this very competitive vertical.

Here’s a word of caution for companies that let the interview process DRAG out for those Logistics and Category Manager roles. Guaranteed, these very,very hirable candidates are being heavily pursued by multiple companies – it’s very much like being a multiple dater and how companies play the game at the outset with those HOT COMMODITY candidates will determine whether they win or they will lose  those cream of the crop highly desirable candidates. Supply Chain Management professionals are in very, very high demand across NA. Why you ask? Well its simple – SCM experts at all levels, from Replenishment Analysts and Supply & Demand Planners to Materials Managers and Directors of Supply Chain, are highly skilled at what they do because they strategically hunt out quality improvement opportunities and cost efficiencies within their organisations.

We know the lay of the land when it comes to hiring in this vertical. This is what we do and talent in this area in Retail and Manufacturing is in extremely short supply. Here’s a stat that should interest you – every month at least TWO of our clients lose their candidate of choice because they didn’t keep their own internal process to hire moving as fast as it needed to.

Poor handoff for vacation, inadequate communications between HR and the Hiring Manager, unscheduled business trips and such all mire the quick progression that must take precedence in a staffing vertical where challenges exist. Utilisation of technologies such as Skype, Video Conferencing, and telephone interviews to name a few are some ways companies can leverage off tools to keep things moving towards the close.

We dominate in the SCM vertical for Talent Acquisition. Let Argentus  work transparently with you as our client to ensure we keep the process moving at the speed it needs to be and keep the candidates engaged so the process ends well with the right hire. We see ourselves as a team working towards a common goal.

Over and out



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