Argentus President Bronwen Hann Interviewed About the Contingent Workforce in Supply Chain

September 24, 2015

At Argentus, we’re always pleased to talk about current issues in Supply Chain with industry experts and thought leaders. In July, Argentus President Bronwen Hann was interviewed about the state of the talent market, particularly the issue of the so-called “Supply Chain Talent Deficit” and what the industry needs to do to attract the next generation of talent. Last week, Bronwen gave another interview about the state of the Supply Chain talent picture going forward – with a specific focus on how the contingent workforce might help solve the deficit of talent that the field faces in the coming decades.  

The interview, titled “The Rise of the Contingent Workforce in Supply Chain,” was conducted by educator Dustin Mattison for his Future of Supply Chains series.

In the discussion, Bronwen gave a picture of what we’re seeing every day at Argentus: a rise in companies looking to the high-skilled contingent (contract) workforce to manage their Supply Chain and Procurement functions, including Strategic Sourcing, Supply & Demand Planning, and other roles involved in bringing a product to market.

Topics covered included:

  • How contingent staffing has been the norm in IT and engineering for 20 years, and why companies are starting to look to contingent staffing for Supply Chain and Procurement – not just for leave coverages, but also for strategic initiatives.
  • Why Supply Chain in particular – with its focus on efficiency and commitment to the bottom line – is a good fit for contingent staffing.
  • Why many high-potential star performers in Supply Chain are considering contingent staffing as an alternative to permanent employment for the tax advantages, lifestyle benefits, and ability to accelerate their careers using a diversity of experience and projects.

Check out the interview below:

Stay tuned for more discussions about the Supply Chain talent picture with thought leaders in the weeks to come! favicon


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