Supply Chain Management – Procurement Salary Comparison for 2012

October 10, 2012

Argentus Talent Acquisition and its contract arm, Contingent Staffing Solutions @work, is an extremely specialised recruitment leader in Supply Chain Management – an employment vertical which is currently experiencing severe skill shortages across most industries in Canada.  Demand for talent in Strategic Sourcing, Category Management, Planning, Logistics and Vendor Management for example, is very high but supply is at an all time critical low. Employers are all experiencing the highs and lows of attracting these scarce candidates. Issues such as compensation, growth and culture score top marks. Companies need to know exactly where they stand and what their game plan needs to be moving forward to get the best people.

It’s important to know if your organisation is being competitive in attracting and retaining the top talent in the SCM space. Benefit from the experience Argentus has. We work exclusively in this vertical in both Permanent and Contingent Staffing.

We know multiple companies, large and small, in many industries and business sectors and how they compare to one another across the country and know intimately how one city compares to another. We have the immediate business intelligence to help clients through the hiring process and help engaged employers in a consultative way.  Our confidential knowledge is always up to the moment and fresh as things change regarding current competitive compensation ranges in this demanding talent niche.

How does your company compare?

Here is the first piece of information to digest, from the Canadian Public Sector –

For Public Sector  –  Supply Chain and Procurement Salary Ranges (base only):

Purchasing Analyst -Purchasing Associate – Purchasing Co-Ordinator – $50K-$70K

Buyer – $55K-$75K

Purchasing Specialist/Purchasing Lead/Category Manager – $72K-$90K

Purchasing Managers (Sole Contributors) – $80K-$100K

Purchasing (People) Managers – $98K-$115K

Director of Purchasing – Director of Strategic Sourcing – $115K-$130K

VP Purchasing- $150K+

Want more industry inside information, like latest salary information from The Private Sector which is also available right now? Hear about current hiring trends, what’s hot and what’s not within Procurement and Supply Chain? Hear insights from Industry experts and whose really taking advantage of Contingent Workforce Solutions in Strategic Sourcing.

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We Find Companies Extraordinarily Good Talent in Supply Chain Management, Procurement, Chain Management, Planning & Operations                                     

The compensation information compiled here was polled from our large network of Supply Chain Management placements and contacts and is confidential.


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